In a gripping battle for Earth, the remaining four YoRHa units, survivors of the Pearl Harbor Descent, join forces with the Resistance androids, veterans of a 200-year-long struggle against the machine lifeform invaders. Together, they venture into the heart of enemy territory beneath Mount Ka’ala, aiming to dismantle the enemy server that lies hidden within. Amidst the chaos, the YoRHa units stationed in the Bunker, an orbiting base above Earth, find their pleas for reinforcements coldly rejected by the Commander and the Council of Humanity. As they press on against overwhelming odds, questions about the real objectives of their mission begin to surface, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their purpose.
Yorha: Pearl Harbor Descent Record - A NieR: Automata Story 3
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Additional information
- Full nameYorha: Pearl Harbor Descent Record - A NieR: Automata Story 3
- SKUBK092659
- AuthorMegumu Soramichi
- LanguageEnglish
- BindingBook - Paperback
- PublisherSquare Enix
- ISBN1646092651
- Date Of Issue2024
- Number Of Pages176
- EAN9781646092659