Magic the Gathering (MTG) cards Tarkir Dragonstorm Sultai Arisen Commander Deck
  • Release date: 11.04.2025

Magic the Gathering (MTG) cards Tarkir Dragonstorm Sultai Arisen Commander Deck

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Return to the iconic plane of Tarkir for an epic battle between dragons and clans. As powerful dragonstorms spiral Tarkir into chaos and wild dragons darken the skies, the five clans fight alongside their new Spirit Dragons for supremacy over the land. Discover which clan fits your playstyle with Tarkir’s distinct three-color gameplay.

Choose your clan and battle your friends with Commander decks each featuring a legendary clan leader of Tarkir and a Spirit Dragon. Commander decks are ready to play right out of the box and contain everything you need to play Magic’s most popular multiplayer format.

Tarkir Dragonstorm Sultai Arisen Commander Deck includes:

  • 1 ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards
  • 2 Traditional Foil Legendary cards
  • 98 nonfoil cards
  • 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
  • 10 double-sided tokens
  • 1 deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards)
  • 1 strategy insert
  • 1 reference card

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