Kohta Hirano’s Hellsing, the manga that ignited a global anime phenomenon, is back in stunning new editions featuring updated translations and a sleek new graphic design. This series masterfully blends gothic horror with explosive action and a twist of dark humor, creating a spectacularly gory spectacle of destruction and chaos.
In this macabre world, the remnants of the Nazi regime have been silently brewing an unholy army of vampires in the secluded corners of South America, plotting a full-scale assault on the living. Standing in their path is the formidable Hellsing Organization, led by the unyielding Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and the Vatican’s own militant force, the Iscariot Agency. These two powers, steeped in Protestant and Catholic ideologies, respectively, find themselves on the brink of an uneasy alliance to thwart the vampire legion.
At the heart of Hellsing’s arsenal is Alucard, the most powerful vampire ever known, whose allegiance to the organization and enigmatic nature adds layers of complexity to the conflict. As the undead armies march forward, the narrative delves into themes of loyalty, faith, and the moral quandaries of using darkness to fight dark forces. Will these rival factions manage to set aside centuries of religious discord and unite against their common enemy, or will internal strife pave the way for a vampiric victory?